花爸+花媽+小花+酷寶, 藏身於台灣/新竹/竹北。 花爸花媽因為有了小花+酷寶, 生活有了大轉變 小小花及小酷寶的純真心靈, 讓我們重新認識了這個世界。 小花酷寶看世界,世界大有趣!

目前分類:與生活有關 (3)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

How to Downsize to Under 100 Things(如何把生活必需品縮減到100樣以下)

Have you heard of the 100 Thing Challenge? The challenge was started by Dave Bruno, who calls it "my little way to personalize my efforts to fight American-style consumerism."

"A lot of people around the world feel 'stuck in stuff,' " Bruno explains. "They feel like their closets and garages are too full of things that don't really make their lives much better."

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Hypothyroidism is the disease state in humans and animals caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland.
Syptoms:The ability of Hypothyroidism to mimic a number of medical conditions originates in the vast functions of the thyroid hormones, which are reduced or absent in this case. The functions of thyroid hormones include modulation of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, vitamin utilization, mitochondrial function, digestive process, muscle and nerve activity, blood flow, oxygen utilization, hormone secretion and sexual and reproductive health to mention a few. Thus, when the thyroid hormone content gets out of balance, systems covering the whole body are affected. This is why hypothyroidism can look like other diseases. Conversely, sometimes other conditions can be mistaken for hypothyroidism.

  1. 以放射碘或甲狀腺切除治療葛瑞夫茲病的後遺症。
  2. 橋本氏甲狀腺炎造成甲狀腺發炎破壞。
  3. 先天性甲狀腺缺乏~一出生即無甲狀腺。
  4. 因甲狀腺癌而接受全甲狀腺切除。
  5. 異位甲狀腺~舌甲狀腺。

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