花爸+花媽+小花+酷寶, 藏身於台灣/新竹/竹北。 花爸花媽因為有了小花+酷寶, 生活有了大轉變 小小花及小酷寶的純真心靈, 讓我們重新認識了這個世界。 小花酷寶看世界,世界大有趣!

目前分類:花爸有感觸 (10)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


by Louis Khoo on Friday, August 19, 2011 at 3:54pm

花媽之前就問我, "你為Nana做的你也會為酷寶做嗎?" 我當然說"會!". 當時為了Nana開始在FB寫日誌, 今天開始為酷寶而寫.

Nana 生的時候就金融大海嘯; 酷寶來到世界, 就世界股票來到最新低. 姐姐影響力如海一般, 弟弟也有震動世界的特異功能. (花爸說: 你們姐弟倆拜託拜託, 爸爸還需要賺錢養你們呢, 玩別的去...). 為了全人類的福祉, 我對花媽說, "看來兩個就夠了."

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說我想太多?!  花爸比我更嚴重!! 呵呵~~~花媽OS


今天早上我問花媽, "為甚麼我們愛Hana?". 花媽很快回答, "因為她是我們的女兒."

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Most of our family life activity is not in the living room, but in our study room...Of course Hana is only interested in how to make a mess out of it... in an IT way (due to genetic reasons).




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上次在Facebook裡寫日誌是四個月前的事了. 當時爸媽到台灣探望Hana. 這回我們帶了Hana第一次回馬來西亞探望爸媽, 我又動筆寫日誌.......

每次回到家鄉總有種說不出的踏實. 好像魚回到了水裡. 小小的事情都有如安魂曲....家裡屋外下大雨屋頂的滴溚聲, 傍晚時分遠處回教堂傳來得祈禱聲, 早上起來爸爸在廚房裡弄東弄西聲......好像回到了很久很久以前自己屬於的地方. 這就是家吧.

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We went for foot massage the other day, and when the male massager trying to make Hana giggles by rattling his tongue. Hana first stared at him, for 3 seconds, then changed her face and CRIED!!!!!!!

Of course the massager is not as good looking as her father (her mother can be a witness for this). But I don’t think it is a matter of this that made her cry. She has started knowing, sensing and comprehensing her very own existence. You-and-Me is already in her world. Is it that the face of the massager is not a You of her liking? Nop, I don’t think so, she has yet to form her own liking at this stage. It is just that she has yet to “know” him.

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The most important difference between human and other life beings is our capability of using sound and graphical symbols to express ourselves, in highly intricate ways. Indeed, language and words mark the development of our civilization and they were used and presented in "higher order" as a country/society advances...for example "eat" -> "feast" -> "dine".......(and some other words of the same meaning as "eat" in shakespeare literature, which I will tell you when I finish reading them.) But first, one starts with "ah"....(and a lot of "ah".....)

Hana starts talking to us with "ah" (loud and clear).... Although incomprehensible to us, her desire for us to know her is definitely felt. One thing I noted is that she will only "talk" to us when she feels rested, comfortable and happy (aren't these also the preconditions of talking in an adult world...). So much I hope I can understand her "words". I clearly remember that when I was a kid, I used to tell myself that my parents (i.e. adult) could not understand my world and view that I vowed to remember my world and view at that time to the days I an adult. Now being an adult, I have however forgotten the world and view at that time, hence absence of capacity to understand kids, just like my parents used to be for me.... Well, the world of kid these days might well be very different from it used to be. I never had hamburger when I was a kid, and my favorite playtime was to play ping-pong with my brothers rather than shooting them down in Xbox360...(aren’t they play ping pong anymore these days….come on, at least in Wii Sports)…it was much simpler, but equally good, I think….

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What’s up with Hana? Well, right now she is trying to turn her body over on the bed in the bedroom of Lalu Hotel by the Sun Moon Lake, and when she is struggling and cannot make it, she shows her frustration clearly, “eeh eeh eeh……” Hello Hana, be lady-like….

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Is weekend. sinking-down to write.

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